Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A few weeks 'later'

Right.. back on track and almost full steam ahead now again with the building and renovations.. starting with the first guest cottage.. but in the meantime also designating some space for the 'saddle & tack room" since all the horsey stuff does take quite some space in the modest cottage.. Hanging and lying around there are the following : 3 trail saddles, 3 numbners, 3 saddle blankets, 4 bridles, lots of brushes, horsey medicine etc. etc... so need a separate space for that.. As it happens.. did have an easy space available which was a bit 'lost' and was also the spot where the winds would whirl all kinds of stuff right into the kitchen.. So decided that here was the best location and so it went : 
Starting with some foundation
As it is now.. and will be finished when the 'rain threat' subsides.. 

And the guestcottage is coming along nicely too.. started breaking out the walls (very good at that ;-) taking out the ceiling, and removing the rubble.. so this space will be bedroom and lounge..
Was storage.. will be lounge at some stage....

From back to front.. open ceiling, love it ! the beams gives it a cottagey feeling ...

The outside space where the 'verandah' was situated will be converted into bathroom, kitchen and dining.

verandah.... converting !!!

Front to back impression

So that's it for now with the building.. we're organizing the guttering of the main cottage in the meantime as well.. it was a 'problem' that was neglected but,.. with 'heavy rains' on the way according to my friend Derek of eTV we have to sort that out first and then continue some 'inside' work while the rains will lash our area (nothing as yet)

With the horses all seems to be pretty much ok.. wish I had some more time to ride them all.. !!! They've all had their vaccinations in the meantime.. Flu vac and  AHS (African Horse Sickness) to be repeated in 3 weeks from now. Buddy.. the horse with the 'past' and exhibiting some behavioral problems was finally vaccinated to day (from the saddle mind you) and yesterday my friend Theresa came over to spend a day on the farm !!! How fab was that and we rode all 4 of them.. First GaLaXy and WhyNot got the honors and we took them up to the top of the property, where, according to 'google earth' there allegedly was a path leading to the property of the neighbors from which we would have access to the mountains giving us stunning views of goose bay in the distance (Gansbaai for afrikaners ;-)

Well..the 'path' where it should be was totally overgrown with alien vegetation so we had to turn back and off we went, past the cottage into the blue yonder for a while.. very very nice  !!!  (with the notion on my side that lots of work needs to be done 'up there' to create those fab out rides in future.. ) The  first ride lasted about an hour and a half and the second ride on Buddy and Vossie was slightly shorter.. cause time flies when you're having fun and the clock unfortunately kept ticking !

That was yet another great day on the farm, thanks Theresa..you're always welcome to ride when you can make the time !!!..The coming weekend should yet again be filled with very welcome guests.. !!!!! during which of course we hope the rains will stay away.. ;-) oh well... you know.. weather !!!!

Have  a great one ... more after the weekend.. i promise.. 



  1. daar gaat ons braai plekkie..was juist zo'n rust gevend hoekje

  2. Hoekies zat op de farm skattie.. wacht tot mijn verandah klaar is ;-)_
