Sunday, August 7, 2011

Of Waterfall, Visitors, rides and pictures..

Overview Klein Watervalplaas..

Good morning all.. Sunday morning, 7th of August, and we had another night with frost.. I noticed the car freezing over at 5 a.m. yesterday morning, and again to day.. caused by clear skies and wintery conditions.. During the day it warms up to about 19 degrees celcius, and early early mornings temps just drop slightly below zero.. Today promises to be quite a nice day again, and two virtual (girl)friends will visit to come ride in the area, and I get to meet them in RL (real life).. Those who say that social networks have an isolating effect, could not be more wrong ;-) Because, yes, through recommendation and indication I met these girls online.. Thank you mr. Zuckerberg !

Not to bore you constantly with how renovations are proceeding in this little farm tale I'll let you enjoy some of the pictures of the 'grounds'  that were taken last week, again by a visitor and soon to be friend (?) Lucien, who accompanied his girlfriend Linda, to the farm.. She, to come ride with me, 
Up in the protea's.. lovely views, lovely ride.. thanks Linda !!!!
he, to hike over the property.. And hike he did.. after pointing out on Google Earth where the elusive waterfall was supposed to be, he uploaded some app into his HTC and walked right to it ! Technology..  after he came back, we connected his phone to the Mac, and kaboom.. every step he took was registered on the google earth place mark of the farm, so now we have his hike on record..unfortunately am not able to transfer this link to the blog site.. but believe you me, its amazing !

According to the neighbor the waterfall should be in full flow and indeed, the pictures speak for themselves.. I'd like to share them with you !

 And yes you can click on them and they will be enlarged.. the one on the right.. taken from top to bottom, you will notice that there is indeed quite some water flowing here.. Not quite Niagara Falls, but a little waterfall none the less, which explains the name of the farm "Klein Watervalplaas" or Litlle waterfall farm..

You just may notice the blue skies on these pictures.. and yes, it's winter in South AFrica.. but this winter is quite a good one.. When it rains, it pours, and when the sun comes out, its WARM.. this day it was about 22 degrees out there.. and later the same week.. we had rains again, lots of it (24 mil in 24 hrs) for it to change again into sunny weather a few days later.. We're very lucky indeed.. Talk about the 'secret season' as they say in tourism.. secret because.. tourism season is at its lowest, but they miss out on everything being lush and green (and wet at times) out there ! (and on the winter rates in most Guesthouses and Hotels !) shame..... 

The horses on the farm are doing well.. in spite of it being cold at times.. they still thrive out there.. difficult to keep them 'fat' so, after consulting with my friend Michelle we changed the feeding regimen.. They now get Lucerne Chaff in the mornings and early evenings (Lucerne being high quality hay, but at the moment, that same quality leaves a lot to be desired, so I buy it cut up in ready bites) and at noon they get Mixit with Berga Horse, great food with an added  powder that fattens them up a bit.. with results ! They are looking much better now.. !
Not Fat Fat.. but not too skinny either.. they do get enough food !!!!!You may just notice the rainbow...
And to end this little blog episode .. ok then.. you may just wonder what happened to the guest cottage that I've been going on about on this blog.. well.. it should be ready this very coming week.. We worked and slaved and am happy to say that the fire place is in, the hot water works, the bathroom has been installed, the kitchen is almost ready, the roof insulation is in place, the floors have been painted (EarthCote Crunchy Biscuit) and we're busy with the terrace.. Of course it will all be planted around the cottage.. some ornamental plants will give it a nicer look, but fruit trees will be the most important addition.. As a refresher let me just, for old times sake, remind you of what it looked like before I started sprinkling some 'fairy dust' around..

<<------------- before

after ------------->>>>>

Before the fairies visited !


And, after removing a wall and doing 'some work' ..(and chasing those fairies off the property)  ---------->>>>

Rustic, not overly luxurious, but befitting it's surroundings ! A real mud brick cottage, restored and made glorious, if I may say so myself.. Furniture will be added on Monday.. really really can't wait.. and then.. ready for the first guest.. (and me for the Physio, what with all the schlepping, hammering, breaking, building @cetera !)

Hmm.. some clouds out there, and still cold.. its 9 a.m... do hope it clears later on.. let me throw some wood into the wood burner and have a coffee.. so.. ciao for now all.. have a great rest of the weekend, till next time !!

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